Sunday, August 12, 2012

A Breakfast of Champions for 77 days

Breakfast is undoubtedly endorsed as the most important meal of the day by not only my mother but all health-conscious and non-health-conscious individuals I know. Unfortunately, I rarely ate a real breakfast in NY- except for brunches on weekends which I actually consider as late lunches because I end up eating at 2 or 3PM after the two hour wait in NYC brunch lines. 

After coming to Uganda, however, I am proud to say I haven’t missed a day of eating breakfast throughout the entirety of my 11 weeks here. I can officially declare myself a true breakfast eater and I hope to take this habit back home with me. 

Caitlin and I have actually eaten the same exact breakfast for 77 days straight and have looked forward to it every morning. The Modest Inn provides us with breakfast every morning and has served the same exact food, prepared the same exact way without avail. Most people I know would probably get sick of it after the first week, but we have come to crave our eggs and toast every morning like the senior citizens who go into Denny’s to order the discounted Grand Slam day after day.

Since most of you know that I am a bit of a foodie and this is kind of a foodie blog, I thought it was appropriate that I go into detail about the one meal that I had for 77 days straight in Uganda and is responsible for transforming me into a breakfast eater. It definitely was not fancy or unique, but surprisingly delicious.  If you stay at any inn or motel when traveling throughout Uganda, you can expect to be served the exact same meal for breakfast. Throughout our travels to Gulu, Bwindi, Murchinsons, etc.. we have had some rendition of the same eggs and toast I am sharing with you below. Happy breakfast eating everyone! 

Two pieces of white toast, a banana, and a plain fried omelet. Five star quality.

Our omelete was fried the same way every day. Eggs in Uganda are strangely white (we've come to the conclusion that the yolk is very pale yellow/gray here because they don't add the fake yellow color that they do in the States)
The Nescafe of Uganda. Best instant coffee.

One scoop of instant Kilimanjaro Coffee mix with ginger spiced whole milk (called African tea) created my favorite beverage to go with my meal. So delicious! I drank three glasses or more every morning!

A banana a day keeps the doctor away. We’ve had everything from mini baby bananas (sweetest variety), medium sized bananas (like the ones you find in the States) and humungo sized bananas
A cup of freshly squeezed passion fruit juice.

We bought peanut butter and jam when we realized we would be getting plain white toast every morning.

The PB & J's from the good ole' days of elementary school made a comeback in Uganda
We went through 4 jars of peanut butter (an average of one jar every 2 ½ weeks) and successfully finished our last jar during our last day here.

77 PB&J’s on white toast, 77 plain fried omelets, and 77 bananas later.. we are transformed women. We love breakfast.

Are you a breakfast eater? What is your breakfast of choice?


  1. I LOVE BREAKFAST. The only meal I can cook right LOL. I love all the things you mentioned: eggs, toast, fruit, coffee. Poached eggs are the best because I LOVE runny yolk, but any style is excellent. Oh and cheese. Toast/cheese/tomato/egg. :) Can't wait to see you soon!!!

    1. Breakfast and brunch are the best meals of the day! And ditto to what Leah said... runny yolk is pure cholesterol-filled goodness!

      These simple meals look really good! If only I woke up early enough to cook for myself each morning...
