Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Ah Zabenya

Before leaving Africa, Caitlin and I took an amazing adventure to Kenya through the Masai Mara. I never felt so in awe by everything I saw from the animals to the landscape. It was absolutely breathtaking. I feel so grateful to have gotten this experience. I am truly lucky. Our safari group was so great, our guide was amazing, and the people in the Mara were warm-hearted and welcoming. Afterwards, we spent a day in Nairobi before taking a very long flight back to NYC. I’ve now been home for a few days. It has been a hard adjustment but I am slowly getting back into the rhythm of city life.

Our tent
Giraffes at the breaking of dawn
An amazing sunrise
My visit to a Masai Mara village
A traditional Mara dance
Making fire
I help make a fire
Tree with healing properties for an upset stomach
Leaves that are used as sandpaper
I enter the home of one of the villagers
My new Mara blanket
Our group before our last game drive at breakfast
The cutest french couple
The Holland trio
Grown Simba

Lunch in the middle of the Mara
leopard spotting!
a race to see the leopard
We visited an elephant and a giraffe sanctuary in Nairobi before heading back to NYC.
We got to feed the rescued giraffes at the giraffe sanctuary. This one is named Daisy. She has a big appetite.
I was in love.


  1. Stella, this is amazing! I'm glad you updated on your trip to Africa. I love that last picture of the giraffe!

  2. What great photos! I am sighing for Africa now. It is so beautiful and I'm glad you got home safe, with great mementos, having learned so much.
