Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Hair Tinsel

For those who haven’t noticed or had the chance to see- I have new sparklies in my hair! My older sister came across hair tinsel online and decided to buy some for fun. After she learned the specific technique of knotting the strands of tinsel into my hair, my head was sparkling in no time. If you are looking for a way to change up your hairdo without dyeing or a perm, hair tinsel is an exciting and easy way to go. It stays in for several weeks so it is well worth it!

Look at my tinsel sparkling in the sun...

...tinsel sparkles indoors too
hair tinsel

so shiny no?

Look at tinsel tied in a bun (in my older sister's hair)

My head of hair tinsel

For those who think tinsel is tacky, I have Beyonce backing me up-thank you!

I think it's tinsel time for everyone!


  1. DUDE I LOVE THE TINSEL! It looks so good on you! You should do it for me~ Hahahahahahaah. BTW, this is Sharon. Yay!
